
Monday 13 July 2015

I'm Tired

God I'm tired.  Not sure if I've got end of term-itus but I am dog tired.  My brain feels at full capacity and I can't take any more in.  Could be work has been full on, sorting Summer holiday childcare; which for a teenager is a total black hole of nothing much for them to do.  Crafts and sports things are too babyish and tend to cater for up to 12 years old, then after that?  Nothing but................tumbleweed.  It's another job my husband sees as mine to sort; total neanderthal at times.  I stared into the fridge at lunchtime and could not combine what I saw into my head to make something, so I gnawed a bit off a block of cheddar.  When the boys were little I knew where the tiredness came from, babies/toddlers and lack of sleep.  Now I sleep but just seem to be always running for the bus every day and never getting on to sit down.  School camp outs, work annual reports, concerts, sports days, MOT, food shop, coil replacement, renew car insurance, on and on and on.  And OFMG don't some people talk shit?  They never stop chundering on making sound that eats away at my brain cells; I think we need a 'National Shut the Fuck Up Day'.  My most peacefull moment of late was pulling over in a country lane, I needed to blow my nose and the silence hit me, so very quiet, not one thing wanting my attention, even a cow merely glanced at me.  I need more moments like this but before that I have to put some washing on, ensure the Teenager does not have his mobile in bed and get my stuff ready for tomorrow.  Oh find the receipt so I return the boys new summer sandals as their feet have grown again.