
Monday 28 September 2015

What do they wash their face with?

When I was a teenager it was all cucumber facial peel masks and Twilight Teazer lipstick.  You only scrubbed your face if you happen to fall off your bike on to the road.  Skincare was just Witch Hazel or your Mum's Nivea or Oil of Ulay if you really wanted to go 'luxury.'  I wasn't sure what the jig was with puberty and boys, of course when I was 13 I never ever looked at a boy of my own age, they were juvenile and smelled of musty bottoms.  I was way ahead in the puberty steaks and would have been mortified is such a pubescent peasant even talked to me. 
No7 Twilight Teaser - 80's Must Have

So now having said 13 year old son I can see those girls in his year walking down this same path.  They look like mini super-models, all long legs and billowing hair, even I'm intimidated.  I had pretty good skin during my teenage years, not like some friends who were battered by the acne stick.  And how other kids were so deeply cruel, I remember tripping another girl up on purpose once because she had been so heart crunching vile to one of my friends whose skin was bad (that friend no longer has spots and looks younger than me now)  There is a ton of stuff for girls to use to wash their face, but not a lot for the teenage boys.  He just wants to wash his face, not burn off a layer with a medicated facial wash or scrub.  Plus washing your face with just soap is hardly worth it. 

Good skin care is in the same category as good general health and well being but I can't understand why the teenage girl skincare market is so well catered for but the teenage boy skincare market presumes they are all splattered with grease, spots and pimples.  Type in 'teenage skin washing' into Google and only pictures of girls come up.   So far he likes the Simple range because it just washes his face and it does not want to go to war in his epidermis.  The skincare giants of the world are definately missing a big boy shaped trick with this; L'Oreal have Hugh Lawrie and McDreamy advertsing men's skincare, but they late 40's early 50's.  What happens from the ages of 13 - 49?

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